


I-Dの6.10節「Why do we use the name Teredo?」に由来の説明が載っています。

"Teredo navalis" is the Latin name for a little saltwater critter that is common in the harbors of warm seas and that digs worm holes in immersed wood pieces, such as boat hulls or pilings. The animal is not an actual worm - it is a mollusk. The Teredo ervice also digs holes, albeit in NATs, not in wood.

このプロトコルIPv6通信のためにNATに穴を開けることから、船やパイルに穴を開ける軟体動物のフナクイムシ(学名Teredo navalis japonica)から名前を取ってTeredoと名付けたとのこと。

On one hand, one may think that the Teredo is a pretty nasty animal. On the other hand, the animal only survives in relatively clean and unpolluted water; its recent comeback in several North American harbors is a testimony to their newly retrieved leanliness. The Teredo service should, in turn, contribute to a newly retrieved transparency of the Internet.
